Laura Jane Grace’s Back piece project
Laura Jane Grace’s Back piece project “Collaboration tattoo by GAKKIN and Kenji Alucky” from harunori_ikeguchi on Vimeo.
Two tattoo artists with different styles working on the back piece of vocalist/guitarist
“Laura Jane Grace” of Againstme! More soon!
started in January,2015
Againstme! のボーカリスト、ギタリストで知られるローラ・ジェーン・グレースの背中を作風の異なる二人の彫師が合作。
2015 年1月スタート
Againstme! againstme.net/
Gakkin gakkin-tattoo.com/
Kenji Alucky blackinkpower.com/kenji-alucky-1/
Black ink power blackinkpower.com/
music Laura Jane Grace
direct/cam/edit Harunori Ikeguchi
- by 針三昧
- at 12:14